A count of 29 Teal on the water
Several around the edges
Small gulls on the frozen water
75 Canadas present
Frozen water
The big freeze seems to have done the trick with a cold Ogden supplying the goods early morn.
Thick fog was shrouding all the valleys but up here on the tops was bright and clear with blue skies and sunshine on a calm E>1 at minus 4 degrees with 50% of the reservoir frozen over. A mist hung low over the water like smoke making photography very difficult.
A good count of 29 Teal were on and around the water along with 9 Wigeon, 75 Canadas and an increasing number of Mallard. No big gulls present with around 100 Black Headed and Commons stood on the ice.
The Wigeon remained way over in the NW corner on the edge of the banking part hidden by the weeds and haze but they soon left >S so no decent pics. Some of the Canadas very noisily left >SE whilst several remained on the ice. A pair of Bullfinch were in the car park trees plus several Robins.
I expected Ned Hill to be icy so went the long way round which turned out to be a good move as
on my way home at 1030 hrs a skein of 210 Pinkies were heading >NW over Soil Hill as I drove past Keelham where I just managed to stop and get some quick pics.