Shortest sunrise on record
Very white headed LBB stood out.
A good count of gulls
Single Goosander
1 of 28 LBB gulls
Big gulls in the fog
A 5 minute sunrise and then the expected fog rolled in. As I set off for Leeshaw the fog was a real sandwich job with fog on the tops, clear lower down and thick fog in the valleys.
Leeshaw was misty with a light E>2 at 4 degrees with light drizzle. The weather then turned very frustrating with thick banks of fog rolling through with periods of part clear immediately blanked out with another fog bank. By 0930 hrs the fog was thick and there to stay.
A disappointing morning as the area was alive with gulls including around 200 small gulls, 28 LBB and 18 Herring, which I was only given the chance to check through between fog banks, and even then it was never completely clear. A very white headed big gull stood out as questionable until it turned around to reveal a dark LBB mantle.
A single Goosander and Teal were on the water with 2 Heron around the shore along with the usual species.