Single Wheatear
Fog slowly clearing.
Mist over the water.
Pink Footed Geese >E
4 Skeins
And yet again a foggy start to the morning at Fly Flatts but clearing by 0845 hrs leaving some heavy fog banks along the west horizon. A light WSW>2 at 10 degrees and 60 % cloud.
Pink Footed geese were on the move from the start with 4 skeins over, 2 to the north of me and 2 to my south with a total of 184 geese. Meadow Pipits were moving >S continuously throughout the watch but otherwise very little other than LBB gulls >NE and 2 Peregrine over the moor.
A single Wheatear was down the entrance track among several blogging Mipits.
184 Pink Footed Geese........>S and >SE. 4 skeins, 27, 55, 49, 53.
Several Mipits.....................>S and blogging
12 LBB gull........................>NE plus 2 on the west bank
1 Wheatear
2 Peregrine
6 Canadas
5 Red Grouse