2nd skein >E 23.
over the quarry towards Ogden
A bright, cool morning at 8 degrees on a light NW>3 with 20 % cloud cover, blue sky and sunshine.
A good start with a single female Goosander >NE fast and low over the water dropping down briefly, only to be flushed by a noisy helicopter. Goosander is a species I rarely see at Fly Flatts on the fish-less water.
The first small skeins of Pink Footed Geese are now being reported from several sites on Trektellen as well as locally and my first skein of 20 soon appeared well to the south of me heading >E.
Shortly after, a second skein of 23 showed, this time well to the north of me heading >E beyond the quarry, over TMR, heading for Ogden where they were picked up by a waiting DJS who tracked them over Soil Hill.
Meadow Pipits were constantly heading >S throughout, along with several bloggers, but only 2 Reed Bunting in the compound bushes.
Swallows and LBB gulls were also on the move but otherwise reasonably quiet.
A quick check on Ogden mid p.m. was not a good idea on a sunny afternoon with little birds and plenty public. Yesterdays busy east bank trees were today quiet with just the usual species plus a single female Blackcap. The water held the usual BH gulls along with 12 LBBs and the highlight being the long staying Little Grebe now has a mate with 2 across near the west bank.
Fly Flatts
43 Pink Footed Geese.........>E 2 Skeins, 20 and 23.
8 LBB gull.........................>NE
1 f Goosander....................>NE
16 Swallow.......................>S
sev Mipits........................>S and blogging.
2 Reed Bunting.