Common Sandpiper, the only wader present.
LBB gulls moving >SE
Breeding proved at Fly Flatts, juv Whinchat.
Yellow Legged Herring gull, centre.
Best I could get in the heat distortion.
With only 3 weeks left before the original blogs are shut down I thought I,d better get organized with the new system. It seems to have gone ok so far but still a few alterations to make. I hate change.
The weather dominated from early morn with full blue skies on a light SE>3 and already at 20 degrees.
Just a single Common Sandpiper was the only wader present along with 4 juv Wheatear in the pond area whilst Swifts were moving >SE along with LBB gulls.
A check on the Whinchat area found a juvenile still being partially fed by the female which was a good record for Fly Flatts. The usual Peregrine did a fly over, briefly landing on the north shore, but left without causing any damage.
Late afternoon and the temperature up at 26 degrees with a mass of heat shimmer around the shoreline though a moderate SE>5 made it feel a bit more pleasant.
18 LBBs were on the north shore with 1 adult Yellow Legged Herring gull but at distant and distorted with heat shimmer, probably the same bird as previous.
Visible Migration
41 LBB gull..................>SE
230 Swifts....................>SE
1 YL Herring gull .......blogging
1 juv 1 f Whinchat......blogging
4 juv Wheatear............blogging
1 Common Sandpiper...blogging
1 Peregrine
18 LBB
+ usual sp.