Ringed Plover still hanging on
Strange sandwich sky.
A clearer morning with a rise in temperature at 15 degrees rising to 17 degrees late afternoon. A full cloud cover sky other than a narrow band of blue stretching north to south over the western ridge with a light NW>4. By late afternoon the wind had strengthened and turned to W>5 with some light drizzle.
Swallows were the bird of the day with my first movement of this species so far all heading due south and all during the morning. Just 5 Swift came through south during the afternoon watch.
Unfortunately as I arrived a Peregrine was on the north shore so no birds, though 2 Oystercatchers came in later before moving off >W.
The single adult male Ringed Plover is still in the pond area but quiet otherwise and nothing on the water other than the usual geese.
A steady flow of LBB gulls moved >SE with 15 on the shoreline, all sub adults. I must be due an Osprey anytime now.
Visible Migration
1 Ringed Plover.................blogging
2 Oystercatcher.................>W
21 LBB gulls....................>SE
82 Swallow.......................>S
5 Swift..............................>S
1 juv Peregrine
3 Kestrel
1 m Pied Wagtail
1 Raven
1 Reed Bunting
+ usual sp.