3 of 4 Redshank with f Mallard.
4 Oystercatchers present
1 of 8 Curlew.
LBB gulls >NE
Single Herring >SE
Heavy mist in the valleys this morning but bright and sunny at Fly Flatts with haze in the distance on a light and cool NE>3 at 6 degrees. Cloud and increased wind speed by p.m.
Wader numbers are slowly creeping up now though no exposed shore at the moment so they are having to use the cobbled banking which seems to provide them with adequate food.
Redshanks now stand at 4 along with 4 Oystercatchers, 1 Ringed Plover, 5 Golden Plover, 15 Lapwing and 8 Curlew.
Around 150 Canada geese on the water as well as 7 Mallard but no Greylags showing today. Small passerines consisted of just 2 Meadow Pipit, 1 Reed Bunting and a Pied Wagtail, all around the compound area.
A few gulls overhead >NE with 11 LBB, 1 Common and 1 Black Headed whilst a single Herring headed >SE .
The Whooper Swans, reported to me yesterday by Carolyn, were still on the water at Ogden this morning thanks to a phone call from warden CS so fortunately a few local birders were able to see them. DJS reported a count of c 45.
A part cloudy morning tomorrow on a light NNW and temperatures back down to 0 degrees early doors. Good job I have'nt planted my bulbs out yet.