FLY FLATTS Usual 4 Oystercatchers
Terrible for photos with dark water
Followed by sparkling water
Started to get noisy and stretching
With head bobbing and drinking
But then settled down again
Single Herring gull present.
A cold NNE>4 at Fly Flatts early morn at 1 degree but full clear sky and sunshine but clouded over by 0930hrs.
The north wind put paid to any signs of spring up there with a terribly quiet morning with nothing but a few geese on the water and empty skies other than a few Lapwing and Curlew. No sign of Redshank this morning with just 4 Oystercatchers and the usual Ringed Plover patiently waiting for a mate to appear.
Otherwise, a single Meadow Pipit and Reed Bunting along with the usual Crows etc.
With such a poor morning, and n hour spare mid p.m. I harnessed up the dogs and headed for Ogden with hopes of a returning Chiffchaff but this never developed. I only did the east bank, expecting something along passerine alley, but the waterside trees were void of birds.
What I did'nt expect was the 45 Whooper swans still present into their 3rd day, which is unusual but possibly held down with the northerly wind direction. They kept getting very vocal along with head bobbing, drinking and wing stretching so I was hoping for some flight shots but then they settled down again. Whoopers are a nice thing to see but very boring photo wise after the first few frames unless you can get them in flight.
The water otherwise, held 5 Canadas and a real poor show of gulls with just 5 Black Headed, 1 Common and 1 Herring.
A cloudy morning expected tomorrow starting off at 0 degree on a moderate WNW increasing midday which a chance of rain and snow pm.