Redshank on slipway
Ringed Plover Redshank
Usual Oystercatchers
Record shot. 3 female Goldeneye
Well out of range and in heat shimmer.
Luckily the overnight fog had lifted by 0600 hrs leaving a bright, clear morning at Fly Flatts with cloudless skies and sunshine at 5 degrees on a very light NNE>2.
Good news that the Ringed Plover has shown up after an few days absence, taking it that it is the same bird, which I suspect as its using just the same areas as normal. Three Redshank were present along with the 2 Oystercatchers, Lapwings and Curlews whilst a surprise to find 3 female Goldeneye on the water but keeping well over in the NW corner and badly distorted in the heat shimmer. This is the best count of Goldeneye I have ever had on this unusual site for them. I seem to get just a single female for a short stop off each year with two previous sightings this year, one 29th Jan and one 16th March.
A Red Legged Partridge was in the top field whilst 2 Pied Wagtails and several Mipits were around the compound area. The dyke at the side of the lagoon was alive with noise frogs and clumps of frog spawn.
Looking like a cloudy, foggy morning tomorrow on a moderate westerly at 7 degrees then brightening midday.