Plenty Herring and LBB gull
Several noisy Lapwing
2 Redshank present
Dense fog on the tops this morning but Leeshaw was below the cloud base starting off hazy but soon clearing to part blue sky and sunshine on a light SE>3 and a warm 9 degrees.
Gulls were the feature this morning with a good count of around 50 Herring and over 40 LBB as well as Common and Black Headed gull. Still chance of an Iceland but getting slimmer all the time.
Still at least 18 Oystercatchers present as well as 2 Redshank and just 2 Curlew with a lower count of Lapwings as the fields where several were protecting territory and sitting has just been used for muck spreading so several seemed to have moved on.
A single Pied Wagtail and Grey Wagtail were in the overflow along with a few Mipits but otherwise down to the geese and usual species.
Not good for tomorrow with a capful of fog and mist ( which I can see now waiting in the wings to the east over the Aire Valley), along with a chance of rain on a stronger NNE starting off at 6 degrees.