23 Oystercatchers present
Good count of LBB gulls
2 of 4 Redshank.
A bright clear morning at Leeshaw with full cloud but a very icy NE>3 at 2 degrees.
The cold north-east wind continues to keep the birds down with a steady morning at Leeshaw although gulls kept the job going with an unusually high count of Lesser Black Backed on the water and in a nearby field with a count of 43 adult birds and several 1CYs as well several Herring, theses being mainly 1CYs. Around 200 small gulls were present with 75% Black Headed and 25% Common.
At least 23 Oystercatchers were present as well as 4 Redshank and 2 Curlew along with around 80 Lapwing. Otherwise down to the usual Greylags and Canadas with no small passerines showing.
A bright day given for tomorrow with plenty sunshine on a light ESE but still kicking off at 1 degree.