15 Oystercatchers at Leeshaw
If you don't like gulls, scroll no further.
Good influx of Herrings, all 3 sites.
Possible Caspian . Centre, to left of flying gulls
the one looking up at the gulls. Leeming.
Leeming gantry alive with Herring
As well as the tower
1 of 3 Dog and Gun fields
More LBBs appearing now.
Leeming gantry alive with Herring
As well as the tower
1 of 3 Dog and Gun fields
More LBBs appearing now.
A cloudy morning but good visibility on a milder, light W>3 at 3 degrees.
Gulls were the highlight of the morning at all three locations with counts of around 100 Herrings and 10 LBBs plus c 200 small gulls at Leeming at 0815 hrs so stopped off and checked those first before going on to Leeshaw. A count of over 50 Herrings at Leeshaw along with 5 LBBs and around 250 small gulls.
Other than the gulls, Leeshaw held 15 Oystercatchers, c50 Lapwing, and 3 Curlew whilst a pair of Teal were under the far north bank as well as the usual geese, Cormorant, Little Owl etc.
On the way back the Dog and Gun fields also held a good supply of gulls with 24 Herring, 4 LBB and c100 small gulls.
A good gull morning but still awaiting Iceland. Should be getting a good blast off of Whoopers mid week on.
About the same forecast for morning with a light WSW and good visibility kicking off at 3 degrees.
PS The 9th photo down shows what I believe to be the same Caspian as I had previously at this site.