Out of range record shots, Ringed Plover x 2
A scope of the east bank revealed 2 Oystercatcher and then, as I was about to give up I picked out an adult male Ringed Plover with a 1st winter bird nearby. Both birds were anchored down behind grass tufts, sheltering from the wind, and only showing briefly. Unfortunately they were well on the east bank so only record shots were possible at the distance and with an extreme lack of light.
Just 2 weeks later than last year with this male possibly being the annual returning male from the breeding pair with one of its offspring, although last year they failed to breed at this site and left early.
Very little otherwise in the strong wind other than 2 Reed Bunting, 1 Stonechat, 2 Raven plus the usuals. Just need the water down a bit now plus the Curlews to return.
A mix of sunshine and showers for tomorrow with the wind back to the SE at gale force. Temp still up at 10 degrees so warm water and hot air to bird in.