1 of 2 Stonechat
1 of 2 Oystercatchers.
Unbelievable, no fog this morning, even with a light E>2 but possibly due to the sub zero temperature at minus 1 degree. Full cloud but good visibility.
A good check round for returning Ringed Plover and Curlew but both behind schedule this year, although with the water being high last year, covering the shore, the Ringed Plovers failed to breed and left the area early so may have found a new location his year.
Canada numbers are building up with 28 present whilst 2 Oystercatchers were on the east bank aong with 2 distant Reed Buntings nearby.
Two hardy Stonechat were present along with a single Robin and 5 Carrion Crow. Overhead 8 Black Headed gull and 3 Herring headed >NE and 2 noisy Raven went over the Flat Moor. A nearby field held 21 Fieldfare, 2 Meadow Pipits and 3 Red Legged Partridge.
At least its starting to feel like spring up there now with the noisy Canadas returning, all I need now is the call of the Curlew.
Looking good again for morning with cloudy sunshine on a light SE at a cool minus 2 degrees but don't get excited, fog, drizzle and snow for Saturday/ Sunday.