FLY FLATTS 1 of 12 Lapwing
Canada numbers building
Distant Ringed Plover
1 of 5 Oystercatcher
NOLSTAR FIELDS 12 Common gull present
as well as 10 Black Headed.
A glorious morning on the tops with wall to wall clear blue sky and sunshine. A cold NW>4 at 1 degree but counteracted with the warmth from the sun.
With such a clear bright morning the temptation was too much so up to Fly Flatts. A slippery drive up there, with Nab Water Lane to Oxenhope, beyond the reservoir, was closed due to ice.
A bit more action than my last visit my nice to get up there in the solitude, walking the moor.
A flock of 12 Lapwing were settling on the Flat Moor, which hopefully will encourage some Golden Plover, a rare species up there this last 18 months.
Canada numbers were up to 53 with more on the moor getting ready to breed whilst 15 Fieldfare flew over, landing in the field at Slade. Wader wise, 5 Oystercatchers and a single Ringed Plover, the latter still keeping well at distance on the east bank.
Just 1 of each, Raven, Stonechat and Pied Wagtail plus a Kestrel over the Nab, otherwise the usual species but birds returning slow, though still no Curlew settled here yet. As expected at this site, just 4 Common and 8 Black Headed over.
A Golden Plover check around the Nolstar fields failed to turn any up with just 12 Common and 10 Black Headed gull plus 9 Rook, 6 Skylark , 2 Stock Dove and 5 Canadas.
Another decent day tomorrow with slightly more cloud on a light westerly but still starting off at 1 degree.