A count of 18 Cormorant.
1m 3f Scaup present
Very distant in dark skies.
Dense fog this morning with light drizzle on a NE>2 at 3 degrees. Elland GP was clear but very dark with black clouds and a slight mist.
And it used to be such a nice place....... I used to visit EGP near on every Sunday morning many years ago in the days of Lesser Whitethroat, Yellowhammer, etc which was a haven for bird life. This morning I was astounded to find a trailer burger bar by the canal opposite the Avocet works with a queue waiting for bacon sandwiches. Walking on the canal footpath was like walking in the middle of the London marathon and tour de France combined with a constant flow of runners and cyclists, along with off lead dogs everywhere, this was at 0815 hrs, what must it be like in the afternoon. Unfortunately this is what happens to a birding area when it is made public friendly, as with Ogden, or is it just me being selfish?
I soon picked up on my target bird with 1 male and 3 female Scaup on the ski lake along with a single female Goldeneye, 2 Teal and a few gulls. Viewing was very poor through the railings and in dark conditions with the Scaup sticking to the far side of the water, but never the less, a good species for the area. Years ago Gordon Denison approached the ski club for access to the banking and a hide erected but unfortunately they were having none of it.
A funny story from years ago at EGP was when Gordon Denison was stood on the canal tow path watching a Sedge Warbler with his back to the canal. A cyclist, unbeknown to Gordon, was riding past him when Gordon, still looking through his bins , took a step back causing the bike rider to veer towards the canal. His wheel struck a small wooded edging strip tipping the rider and bike into the canal. Gordon calmy turned round and looked at the rider, waist deep in water and still holding onto his bike, and said " whats tha doing in theer lad". I won;t put what the riders reply was.
Its not only Ogden that is struggling for Siskin and Redpoll, as the canal side Alders that were aways heaving, at EGP, with both species each winter were this morning void of birds.
A group of 18 Cormorant were up on the pylon taunting the anglers whilst a Song thrush was in full song. A female Goosander was present but then down to the usual expected 4 Tit species etc though I didn't linger long down there as I still had the 5 sets of temporary lights to get back through on the way home.
Just a note that I have taken the Oxon blog off my links now as, the good news is, MC has come home to roost and is now back living local so watch this space. No pressure there Mick, welcome home.
Anything could happen tomorrow with a forecast of rain and snow on a moderate to strong NE at 1 degree with a week of easterlies and fog to look forward to yet.