A misty start at Fly Flatts with heavy drizzle and rain showers on a moderate WSW>4 at 6 degrees. The mist cleared to leave a dark low cloud base with continued drizzle throughout.
Another wasted effort at Fly Flatts being nearly void of bird life with the only birds of note being
4 Oystercatcher, 1 distant Ringed Plover and a fly-over Curlew. Otherwise down to Red Grouse, Canadas and Mallards plus the usual species.
Apart from Redshank, it will be April before any other waders start to appear at this site so time to put it on hold for now and use the Oxenhope reservoirs where there is much more chance of wildfowl and gulls.
Looking like a morning of sunshine and showers tomorrow on a moderate westerly starting off at 3 degrees.