6 Common Sandpipers present
A good season for Greylag
Ravens mobbing Buzzard
Common Sands in the lagoon.
Another icy cold morning at Fly Flatts with a moderate W>4 gusting>5 with a mix of sunshine and showers. Water very slow dropping with next to no shore exposed as yet.
No sign of Dunlin or the long staying Ringed Plovers, missing for 2 days now and possibly moved on due to the height of the water. They are usually on a second brood at this time and stay on site until mid August.
Still 6 Common Sandpipers and a single Redshank along with 4 pairs of Lapwing and just 2 pairs of Curlew left, waiting for their young to fledge.
Yesterday the family of Ravens were being mobbed by Curlew but today it was the opposite way round with the 4 Ravens mobbing a Buzzard out over the moor.
Just 3 LBB gulls present along with plenty Swifts very high up in the sky.
A dry forecast for morning with a lighter sou'westerly starting off at 8 degrees but showing 5 degrees with the chill factor. Visibility looks good.