Usual Common Sandpipers
First signs of movement. Curlews >SE
3 Ringed Plover.
A pleasing morning at Fly Flatts with yesterdays forecast of a south easterly for this morning never developing but instead a light W>3 with 50% cloud at 7 degrees and still feeling very cold.
The first signs of movement or dispersion this morning with a steady move of Curlew, very high and direct >SE with a total of 14 overhead.
Plenty Swifts in the air as well as 5 Raven, a single Buzzard and 1 Kestrel, whilst waders were the same as usual with Redshank, Oystercatcher, Common Sandpiper and Ringed Plover.
A light sou'westerly for morning at a cool 6 degrees and a wet afternoon.