Nice find by DJS, Whimbrel at Cold Edge Dams.
Feeding well
WEST YORKSHIRE BIRDING. BRIAN SUMNER. I am based at Queensbury and bird a patch within a 10 mile range of home incorporating 16 stretches of water, several plantations, a belt of woodland, stretches of river and canal and good areas of moorland. I specialize in upland birds, reservoir and sky watching. My local patch is Fly Flatts reservoir. Any reports can be sent by text or call to 07771 705024 or see profile for e mail address. All images on this blog are copyright.(2025).
Nice find by DJS, Whimbrel at Cold Edge Dams.
2 pair of Greylag with young
2 Common Sandpipers present.
A complete non birding day today stuck in waiting around for workmen so before withdrawal symptoms set in, and just having my first of the year Ring Ouzel at Fly Flatts I looked back at a once in a lifetime experience with a fall of Ring Ouzel at Fly Flatts in and around the boat compound throughout March 2020 and into early April although lock down made me miss the date they left. Work on the reservoir was on going at the time with men and machinery in and out of the compound which did,nt bother the birds at all. A first time experience for me and one probably never to be seen again.
All photos B.S.