OGDEN Good flock of Chaffinch.
2 Treecreepers present
several Goldcrest
and Long Tailed Tits.
Dense fog up on the tops this morning and heavy drizzle so I dropped down to Ogden which was just below the cloud base making a reasonable, but dark morning ,with some light drizzle on a very light W>2 at 8 degrees.
Just a few gulls on the water but the water side trees were very lively with a large tit flock working its way around the perimeter but un photographical in the trees due to the very dark conditions with plenty photos taken but non worthy of publishing.
There were also several Robins and Blackbirds with the hallmarks of continents.
A brighter but breezier mid afternoon at Fly Flatts with a moderate SW>3 which got a few Herring gulls moving >NW but otherwise next to nothing throughout the watch.
1 Gt Spotted Wdpecker
12 Redpoll
2 Treecreepers
17 Chaffinch
sev Goldcrests
All 4 common Tit species.
Continental Blackbirds and Robins
4 Herring gull
3 LBB gull
c 50 small gull
+ usual sp.
Fly Flatts
28 Herring gull........>NW
2 Kestrel
2 Meadow Pipits