4 Teal
Mallards returning
6 Dunlins present
3 on the south shore
Back to the hot weather again and although it was only 17 deg it felt much warmer in the full sun and light NNE>3. Again I had to work around the Bentley repair men sticking to the east then south shores with the sun against me.
The east shore held 2 LBB and 1 BHG gull as well as 12 Mallard and 3 well grown young with post breeding birds returning daily. Only 5 Teal today plus the usual 14 Tufted which have started coming and going now, possibly to Cold Edge.
3 Dunlin were just visible in the east shore ponds whilst another 3 stood out on the south shoreline. When the workmen left I managed to relocate the south shore 3 and get a few distant shots. Work should stop over the weekend so I should be able to return to my normal system for a couple of days.
2 Kestrel soared very high whilst several Mipits were around the shoreline.
Hopefully the high pressure wont stop the migrants over the weekend and may come our way with the easterlies promised.