Field full of Mistle Thrush
The Mixenden White Crow
Distant shots of Ned Hill Whitethroat.
1600 hrs and off to Mixenden res where the 2 gt Crested Grebe were present along with a pair of Tufted, new in since yesterday. Several Swallows were over the water but otherwise quiet on the bird scene due to noisy nuggets all around the water so back to the Ned Hill watch point.
1630 hrs at the watch point with very little going through the col and still no signs of Swift.
A walk along the track to check the Redstart tree produced 1 Whitethroat in the brambles.
This bird was reported earlier plus a second Whitethroat down by the red body, by NK whose blog is off the air for the moment but normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.
By 1700 hrs the dark clouds had moved in and specs of rain appearing, nothing new there for me.
Looks like my first Swift is going to be a Queensbury M.O.T. bird as its back to work tomorrow.