4 Common Sandpipers present
A much better morning weather-wise at Fly Flatts with clear visibility on 80% cloud and some sunshine. An icy cold NW>4 was blowing at 3 degrees.
Common Sandpipers saved the morning with now 4 present along with 6 Oystercatchers and the usual Curlews and Lapwings but no sign of the Ringed Plovers again today.
A group of 8 Herring gull drifted high and >NE whilst 3 LBB gulls harassed the Lapwings on the north shore. Very poor otherwise with just a single Kestrel in the air and 2 Swallows >N whilst Greylag numbers increase on the water alongside the Canadas and Mallards.
Another good and dry day tomorrow with good visibility forecast but a stronger north westerly starting off at 1 degree.