Fogged off from start to finish today though miraculously just after dark the fog cleared leaving a starry sky. Still a light SE breeze tomorrow so still a good chance of the fog returning over night.
The only saving grace today was , whilst straightening the front garden early afternoon, a skein of Pink Footed Geese flew overhead >W , unseen in the fog but giving off noisy contact calls. This was at 1425 hrs and seeing how quick the fog cleared late afternoon its possible these geese were flying above the fog.
Its amazing that yesterday, in perfect weather conditions and clear blue skies, there were no geese to be seen and then today in thick fog a skein flies over.
The only other thing of note today, and the last few days, is a Robin singing its head off at 0530 hrs onward each morning in the garden.
Heres hoping for a better day tomorrow.