Ogden to Withins Looking across to Ringby Top.
South over Mixenden to Halifax.
East to Soil Hill.
A slippery icy track.
Mixenden reservoir.
The long walk towards Withins.
Fly Flatts Greylags high and >S
The Leeshaw birds with white Greylags among them.
Solitary Black Headed still at Fly Flatts.
Don,t know if this is a sickly bird or just a loner.
Flys ok but always around compound.
A distant but record shot of Fly Flatts Snow Bunting yesterday.
Image courtesy of Steve Winteridge.
A milder day with a light W>3 at 4 degrees with full cloud and some light drizzle after a sprinkling of overnight snow.
Lots of walking today with very little return bird wise but good to be out all the same.
Spurred on by yesterdays report of a Snow Bunting up by the Fly Flatts wind turbines, thanks to Steve Winteridge, I set off first light walking the track from Ogden to Withins checking the track and golf course as I went. Conditions up there look perfect for Snow Bunting but not today with just a single Stonechat, Sparrowhawk and a few small gulls.
Back down at the reservoir a Gt Spotted Woodpecker flew over the water whilst the reservoir held 3 Herring, 2 LBB and a few small gulls.
Mid afternoon I was up at Fly Flatts walking the length of the west bank, again with Snow Bunt in mind, but again another blank. This is the problem with Snow Buntings, they usually find you rather than you find them and its just down to luck if you come across one.
Kestrel, Raven and 2 Stonechat were present along with a single BH gull which has been hanging around the boatyard the last few times I have visited. It is very confiding but can fly and seems to be eating on the soft grass.
A small skein of 15 Greylags came over ,high and >S, these being some of the large flock I,ve had at Leeshaw with a few whites and partial whites among them.