1 skein of 128 >WNW
The full skein.
Goldies on the south shore
The oddball gull
Slightly over exposed pics in the sun but stood out as
a very white bird.
The black legs here is mud. They were pink
Small eye. Black bill
2nd year bird. Tertials dark with pale edges
Milky white under wings
Light streaking on neck and body
Pure white head, the streaking started at the neck.
Small head with sloping forward
Acted oddly for Herring, dropping in from just behind skein of geese to join BH gulls on shore then after a brief bathe and preen left >SE.
Looks good for Caspian to me but..........?
What seemed to be a bit of a stagnant morning on the vis mig scene at Fly Flatts turned up a few movers along with a nice skein of Pink Footed Geese right overhead as well as more Golden Plovers on the move and 6 on the south shore.
The above gull came in from just behind the Pinks staying briefly on the south shore, jury is still out on this bird.
The afternoon was quiet with the wind increased and turned S>4 with black clouds overhead. The 6 Goldies were still present along with a Buzzard over as well as a single Grey Wagtail.
Vis Mig
128 Pink Footed Geese...................>WNW
89 Lapwing.....................................>SE
42 Woodpigs...................................>NW possibly post roost birds.
33 Mipits........................................>S
29 Golden Plover...........................>S
1 Grey Wagtail...............................>SE
6 Golden Plover
15 BH gull
5 LBB gull
53 Mallard
1 Buzzard.