An obliging Robin
Mistle Thrush, Syke Lane
Pinching the bird seed.
Cormorant on its usual perch
In the water, first light
Ogden, some sun, strong to gale force icy W>7 easing W>5. Heavy showers of rain, hail, sleet and snow.
Awoke this morning at 0600hrs with a torrential hail storm which covered everywhere and froze on the ground. By the time it was light enough to set off,0830hrs it was icy underfoot and showery but a good sunrise.
Fly Flatts was out of the question with the conditions so back to Ogden where it was quiet to say the least.
Nothing on the water other than the returned Cormorant, about 20 BHGs and the usual winter Mallard flock still in low numbers.
Walking around the water found a few Goldcrest, several Robins and a fly over by the local Dipper heading from the shale pond towards the overflow but not re located.
Checking the fields on the way back again failed to turn up Fieldfare, just a single Mistle Thrush off Syke Lane.
Raggalds flood held 43 small gulls , 70% Commons but no duck sp at all.