First light sunrise
Typical vis mig start to the day
Common gulls on Foxhill
Woodpigeons start trickling through
Flood gates open, here they come, start of a massive move.
Woodpigs piling through
Later from home, still pouring through
By 1100 hrs moving more to the east of me.
A nice bright sunrise over Queensbury with a light SW>3 at 10 degrees with clear blue skies until low scud clouds started moving through from the foggy west but not blocking visibility.
The big move for Woodpigeons was on today with birds piling through on a broad front from first light until after midday when they still came but to the far east of me. An early afternoon visit to the Dailie Fields found several flocks of Woodpigeons moving >SW but well to the east over the Aire Valley. This shows up with Martyn Priestleys count of over 11,600 at his Low Moor site, Bradford.
A typical near end of season morning with a variety of species but most being late stragglers apart from Starlings, which, like the Woodpigs, are late movers, with several small squadrons moving through in migration mode, fast and direct.
A single Golden Plover >N was unusual for this location whilst several Chaffinch came through but no Brambling as yet.
Vis Mig
250 Starling.................>NW
37 Mipits.....................>S
5 Blackbird.................>S 15 present
4 Mistle Thrush..........>SW
1 Golden Plover.........>NE
33 Chaffinch.............>SW
272 Fieldfare.............>SW
185 Redwing............>SW
3,845 Woodpigeon...>SW .......... with lots uncounted to the east over Bradford.