2cy Herring , foreground, sub adult Herring, rear
2 cy LBB
Sub ad Herring, still brown feathers on coverts and tertials.
2 cy Herring
Another sub adult Herring
Only time free today was midday for a quick dash to Ogden but too early for the pre roost gulls coming in so had to settle for a small number with just 3 sub adult Herrings and 4 2nd summers. Very few LBBs but plenty Commons and Black Headed.
Amazingly, with the amount of mud exposed there were no waders and the only water fowl was the usual Gt Crested Grebe plus a few Canadas and Mallards.
Strange to see a Peacock walking down Perseverance Road.
A Osprey was over TMR today,(B.O.G.) but no details of time or direction.