FLY FLATTS The lagoon is full and overflowing.
A sloppy entrance track
Bleak over the Nab
Drizzle coming over the western ridge.
Need some shoreline now.
A windy, wet day throughout with a few dry spells but the wind increasing p.m with heavy horizontal drizzle. SW>4 inc SW>6 at 7 degrees.
In search of gulls this morning I found empty fields at Thornton and just a dozen BH gulls at Ogden along with a single Common gull. Cullingworth fields and Sugden top had reasonable numbers of gulls but all very distant and constantly mobile, moving from one field to another without hardly landing.
Giving up on that idea I ventured up to Fly Flatts which is now back to workable conditions despite the tracks being very soft and waterlogged,plus the weather was atrocious.
Good to see that the Canadas are slowly returning, getting their breeding territory sorted, whilst 6 Herring gull headed >NE and 2 Raven >W. Impossible to walk too far on the west bank with the strong wind and driving drizzle but I went on just far enough to check out a dead gull on the waters edge that I scanned through the bins thinking that it could be another dead Kittiwake but fortunately it turned out to be a dead plastic bag. Should have gone to spec savers!!
At least I know that there is access up there again now and the next two days of strong South winds may bring us something up country over the weekend.