Both Barnacles back at Fly Flatts
Lower goose in the moult.
1 of 6 distant Stonechat
Big bird over the western ridge. Hercules.
An icy cold start to the morning at 3 degrees on a W>5 with 50% cloud and some sunshine.
Both Barnacle geese are now back with the Canadas along with 16 Mallard on the water. Curlew numbers are building with a count of 11, and 16 Lapwing but no Golden Plover on the Flat Moor as yet. A group of 6 hardy Stonechat were down by the feeding station as well as a single Skylark on the seed and later up singing. The first singing Skylark at this site for several years.
Very little in the sky other than a fly over of Merlin and Peregrine and 4 very noisy Raven over the east ridge.
A few shouts of Pink Footed geese stragglers today from DCB, DH, AC and an Ogden dog walker though none over Fly Flatts even though I was there when AC reported a skein over Soil Hill west which would have taken them over Fly Flatts but possibly up in the cloud.
Fly Flatts
2 Barnacle geese
11 Curlew
1 Merlin
1 Peregrine
16 Mallard
6 Stonechat
4 Raven
c100 Canada geese
+ usual Mallard