FLY FLATTS The Black Redstart showed up last week for 3 days but
was gone by the weekend.
THORNTON Another great find for MP, 1st winter Med gull, LH bird.
Still showing much of its juvenile plumage
Common, Mediterranean and Black Headed
I asked this fellow in the afternoon if he,d seen the Med gull but he
Another morning of low cloud and drizzle on the tops at Fly Flatts on a SW>3 at 8 degrees.
With horizontal vision only across the water and boat yard the place was void of birds other than a single Teal on the water and 3 Stonechat which was a blessing really as I could now head back to Thornton to try to re locate a Mediterranean gull found and text to me this morning by Mark Pearson yet again.
Luckily the bird, which was a first winter, was still in the same area as he had left it though very mobile with a small group of Black Headed and Commons, moving from field to field.
It just shows how this species can turn up anywhere over the winter with todays bird being with a small group of gulls and not in one of the usual hot spots, well spotted Mark.
A showery mid afternoon visit to Doe Park found nothing unusual on the water but several BH gulls on the shore, all carefully checked through for the Med gull.
Back up at the gull fields several gulls were present but widely scattered over 5 fields and no sign of the Med gull though several gulls were in areas not visible from the roadside.
Fly Flatts
3 Stonechat
1 Teal
Doe Park
1 Sparrowhawk
3 Cormorant
c 30 BH gull
4 Common gull
+ usual sp
1 1w Med gull
12 Herring gull
15 LBB gull
sev BH and Common gull
+ usual sp.