FLY FLATTS Oystercatchers in the boat compound.
Not many have halos. Its actually a marker buoy on the water.
MIXENDEN 2 distant Oystercatchers, east bank
1st winter and adult Herring, 2 of 5 on the deck
adult Herring
Too much disturbance on the bank today for holding big gulls
More disturbance on the way.
A milder morning at 3 degrees with a light SW>3 and full cloud cover with drizzle after the first half hour at Fly Flatts.
Driving down the entrance track 15 Golden Plover were in the air over the Flat Moor which must have tempted a female Merlin which flew straight across the front of the car heading in their direction but no more sightings of either species throughout the morning.
Two Oystercatchers were in the boatyard before heading off towards Cold Edge dams whilst the 2 Ringed Plovers seem to have moved on with no sign of them today.
Plenty Lapwings about this morning and at least 6 Curlew as well as the usual Mallard Canadas and Barnacle geese.
Back to Mixenden with expectations of the Iceland gull dropping in again but a poor gull day today in the brighter weather. Around 100 small gulls were on the banking and water along with 2 Oystercatchers on the east bank waters edge.
By 1400 hrs Herring gulls started appearing but with several people walking the bank most of the Herrings continued through >SW with just 5 landing but once flushed they headed out of the area.
By the time I left there were just around 40 small gulls on the water.
Fly Flatts
15 Goldies
1 f Merlin
2 Oyks
6 Curlew
+ usual sp.
5 Herring on deck
17 Herring ....................>SW
c 100 small gulls
2 Oyks.