Kestrel after the Mipits
Just 2 adults and 1 juv left
A well hidden Kestrel
Kestrels enjoying the fall of Mipits
New sign ,now at the north end also
Shoreline receding but no waders
The first serious signs of Meadow Pipit movement this a.m. over Foxhill with 148 >SW between 0545 and 0700 hrs along with Skylarks and Swallows.
By 0700hrs the sun had raised its ugly head bringing blue skies and a stop to the movement.
Fly Flatts was bright and sunny with a moderate NW>5 with Kestrels, Meadow Pipits and Wheatears dominating the scene.
A few Swallows headed >SW with no signs of any type of waterfowl or waders present.
Only 2ad and 1 juv Wheatear remained whilst the whole area was awash with blogging Meadow Pipits which in turn brought out the Kestrels with 6 present.
The Kestrels were mainly harassed with the Mipits but I witnessed two Mipits being taken out with the Kestrels.
A hugging of Nyjer seed meant for Twite was soon set upon with the Mipits.
Foxhill Vis Mig
148 Meadow Pipit......................... >SW
5 Skylark................................... >W
23 Swallow..............................>SW