Pink Footed Geese still on the move
Several Tit flocks about
Chaffinches but no Brambling
Is this your leg ringed gull Nigel
1 of 2 Cormorant
Fly Flatts aborted due to thick fog and treacherous road conditions with black ice even on the main roads.
Ogden was clear but banks of fog kept rolling in over the tree tops.
Ogden 0730- 1015hrs.
At 0815 a skein of Pink Footed geese went overhead >SE but up in the mist but shortly after a skein of 75 went over in the same direction but this time visible in clear blue skies.
Then at 0915 a third skein went over in the mist but was seen by NK at the Raggalds.
Otherwise things were quiet with the usual tit flocks etc and 2 Cormorants on the water.