As near as it got to sunshine
Few Common and Black Headed gulls
A windy wet start to the morning with a moderate WNW>5 at 7 degrees with early drizzle but good visibility.
A planned visit to Harold Park was abandoned due to the wind as Park Dam is very exposed to the elements so headed for the shelter of Ogden on a very low expectancy visit so as not to be disappointed.
Apart from a good dog walk it was near void of birds with a single Gt Spotted Woodpecker flyover along with 3 Bullfinch and the usual Tits etc. The water held just a handful of Black Headed and Common gulls plus the resident Mallards which are showing a low count this winter compared to large numbers that have built up for winter on previous years.
Looking back at last December Ogden was about as quiet as this month apart from a flock of 14 Bullfinch in the west bank Alders along with Siskin and Redpoll. Trans Pennine Pink Footed Geese were on the move near the end of the month whilst 11 birding days last December were abandoned due to either fog or gale force winds.
Another cloudy morning tomorrow on a light sou'westerly.