LEESHAW Very distant drake Wigeon
White forewing stripe showing male.
Gulls arriving
LEEMING Mix of Herring and LBB on the water.
The Gantry.
Thick fog again on the tops with Leeshaw just below the cloud base but very muggy with drizzle and light mist. A light but cool SW>3 at 6 degrees. Leeming was brighter and dry but still the dark clouds.
The only thing of note at Leeshaw was a single drake Wigeon but keeping way over on the north bank in poor visibility whilst around 200 small gulls along with 18 LBB and 5 Herring were on the same distant shore so all scoping work today at this site.
Leeming had a good supply of Herring and LBB as well as the usual small gulls but nothing that jumped out at me as being special. No wildfowl other than 26 Mallard on the water whilst 3 Mistle Thrush were in a Rowen tree. Several Fieldfare and Redwing in the Paul Clough trees across the valley.
Looking like a better week ahead with a NW for morning with clear skies and some sunshine and showing a clear week till the weekend with a chance of some snow. All I need now is some birds.