An icy cold visit to Fly Flatts this afternoon with wintry snow showers on a strong E>5 at 1 degree with full cloud cover.
Lesser Black Backed gulls were heading over in 1s and 2s all >SW with a final count of 32 otherwise the skies were understandably quiet in the conditions.
Two points showing a step nearer to spring were Canadas are now returning to the water with 4 present after an absence of 3 months. By June they will be up to around 350 with around 80 goslings or possibly more this year now that the water it back up.
The second point being several Snipe on the moor are constantly chipping meaning soon they will be up drumming. Curlew will be starting to show within a week or so and Oystercatchers will be sorting territory , Oyks being the earliest wader and can be expected on the moor any time from early January.
Though the water at Fly Flatts is well into overflow there is still a good shoreline along the south shore which was created by Bentleys during the recent work here.
Another 2 new Calderdale grapevine members joined today with the total number of members now being at 58. If all 58 are active this year we should get some good sightings in.
Fly Flatts
4 Canada geese
6 Red Grouse
3 Raven
5 Mallard
32 LBB gull.............>SW.
sev Snipe chipping