Found by DF on the west bank
15 Golden Plover, Shelf Moor trailer park field
4th Nov 2013
23 Snipe Shelf Moor trailer park field 9th Nov 2013
Building up to 48 by the end of the month.
Queensbury Tawny Owl pair returned to their winter
roost 5/11/2013
Owner of garden reported them back yesterday 2nd Nov 2014.
Ogden in its November dressage.
The main mover today was Woodpigeons with a few early morning flocks of up to 100 birds over >S totalling around 450 by 0830hrs.
Mid morning saw Fieldfares starting to come over but this was short lived totalling around 200 counted >S
A surprise to see a group of 18 Meadow Pipits >S which is late to get Mipits but there were several blogging around Leeshaw and the Oxenhope area yesterday.
Otherwise it was down to a few Greenfinch and Chaffinch >S probably drawing the finch movement to a near close.