A good start to the year, Red Necked Grebe
Very mobile around the reservoir.
A horrendous morning at Leeshaw reservoir with very dark cloud, heavy to torrential rain and a strong SW>6 gusting 7 at 3 degrees.
Not a morning to be out birding but with a Red Necked Grebe reported yesterday, BV, a good soaking was a small price to pay. After about 30 minutes and giving up hope it suddenly appeared out near the valve tower but keeping distant.
It kept going out of sight under the near banking before giving brief appearances but always well out on the water. A couple of times it flew from one end of the reservoir to the other and was catching small fish throughout. It was very illusive at times in the conditions and very difficult to get anything other than poor photos with the conditions and weather which eventually closed in cutting any visibility to the water.
In 2024 my bird of the year was Wood Sandpiper at Fly Flatts in May and this year it looks like its nailed on the first day as I don't expect to beat this one.
Otherwise, a few gulls and geese etc but nothing of note in the terrible conditions. Sunshine p.m. so hopefully there should be some decent photos of the bird if anyone has ventured up there, not another birder in sight this morning.
Looking like full sun tomorrow on a light NW with temperatures down to minus 3 early morn.