Sunrise in Queensbury
Bright and clear, Ovenden moor
Wintery Ogden
Part frozen waterfall
Sev Blackbirds inc some black billed continentals.
Mostly Black Headed present
Bath time for Canadas.
Christmas card material.
Common and Black Headed
2 CY Herring
East bank
An excellent morning to be out walking around Ogden with wall to wall sunshine and clear blue skies on an icy NNW> 3 at minus 2 degrees.
Far less gulls this morning with around 50 small, 1 Herring and 1 LBB and nothing in the way of wildfowl other than 3 Canadas and the usual Mallards. The long staying female Goosander, which I wondered if it had a flight problem, has been missing the last few days, proving my non flying idea as wrong.
Nothing doing around the waterside trees other than the 4 common Tit species, Robins, Dunnock, Wrens, Bullfinch and Blackbird, some of which were very black billed continentals. The Kingfisher was down in the sluice gate area along with a Dipper and Grey Wagtail.
A part cloudy morn for tomorrow on a moderate westerly with a risk of snow late evening.